Thank you to the Shorei-Kai Canada Karate Shuswap Dojo
for the use of their website to publicise this project.


Arrival of the Mozol/Zasiekina family
on Tuesday 2 January 2024 at the Kelowna airport

On 17 March 2022, the Honourable Sean Fraser, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced the launch of the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET). The CUAET is a special, accelerated temporary residence pathway for Ukrainians seeking safe haven in Canada while the war in their home country continues. With the CUAET, Ukrainians and their immediate family members of any nationality may stay in Canada as temporary residents for up to 3 years.
On 29 March 2022, a survey was distributed to various local organizations to determine the level of interest in supporting the CUAET program. As a result of the overwhelming response, the Shuswap Support to Ukrainians project was created. 13 support teams were formed with a total of over 75 volunteers to coordinate the various project activities (education, employment, financial, fundraising, general support, health, housing, in-kind donations, orientation, social and recreation, transportation, welcoming and translation assistance). Based on the data available so far, over the last 21 months:
Number of Ukrainian families supported: 5 (8 children and 11 adults).
Funds raised (donations and fundraisers): $50,915. (goal was $35,000.).
Days of host accommodations provided: 609
Value of host accommodations provided: $40,600.
Volunteer hours: 6,000.
Value of volunteer hours: $96,000.
Estimated value of in-kind donations: $15,000.
Estimated volunteers and housing hosts out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. not wishing to be reimbursed): $18,000.
Note: Final numbers will be included in the final project report to be completed by end March 2024.
I would like to thank all those who contributed in one way or another to the success of our Shuswap Support to Ukrainians project. This includes:
Host families.
Support team coordinators and their team members.
Individual donors.
Business and non-profit donors: The Bridge (Sicamous), the Salmon Arm Rotary Club, the Salmon Arm Savings and Credit Union, Setters Pub (Salmon Arm), Lone Star Barber (Salmon Arm).
Donors of in-kind items.
Volunteers who provided space in their homes for the temporary storage of in-kind donations.
Fundraisers organizers, helpers, entertainers and participants.
Businesses and organizations who donated the use of their facilities for fundraisers: the Salmon Arm Legion, the Shuswap Lake Estates Community Centre, Setters Pub (Salmon Arm).
Askews Foods Salmon Arm for donating the hot dog dinner food and drinks for the October 2022 fundraiser.
Businesses and individuals who donated items for the live and silent auctions.
Businesses who provided employment opportunities.
Media articles: South Shuswap Scoop, North Shuswap Kicker, Salmon Arm Observer, Shuswap Market News, Shuswap Magazine, Friday AM, Castanet.net
Website and printing services: Shorei-Kan Canada Karate Shuswap Dojo.
All those who provided words of encouragement, promoted and supported the project in any way they could.
I believe this project enriched our lives and clearly demonstrated that our community spirit is alive and well in the Shuswap. We have made a difference in the lives of 5 Ukrainian families by welcoming them into our community with open arms and giving them hope. In closing, I would like to extend a special thank you to Carole Landry who has provided invaluable support and advice in planning and executing the project.
3 January 2024

"Starting Over at Zero,
Again and Again"
Pages 48 and 49
The tale of the Kosov family.

Volodymyr, Amina, Maryna
& Tymur Kosov