RANK: Hachidan (8th Dan)
President Shorei-Kan Canada Karate Association
I began my karate training in the fall of 1979 at Delview dojo on the lower mainland. This was under the direction of Tomaki Koyabu Sensei. I became Shodan (1st Dan) in 1984. I was elected President of Shorei-Kan a month later. I was given the mandate to build two full time dojos in Surrey and Langley which was completed.
While visiting for Toguchi Kaicho's birthday I was examined for Shihan Godan (5th Dan) June 13 1997. I was given the responsibility of all dojos outside of Japan. I was the last person examined by Toguchi Kaicho and the last to be awarded the 6th Dan certificate by the Toguchi family. Later I became Hachidan (8th Dan) in Sep 2017.
After several years of running the Surrey dojo I decided to open another Dojo at Anniedale school which ran for 10 years. After moving to the Shuswap and meeting Jean-Luc Sensei we started Shuswap Dojo and it has become a great though overwhelming success. It is my goal to teach as long as I am able.​

Matches Shihan
RANK: Godan (5th Dan)
Senior technical advisor
I began training in karate at age 37 (1986) at Shorei-Kan's Surrey Dojo, under the leadership of Vic Shihan. I earned my 1st Dan Black Belt in May 1990. Unfortunately, I had to interrupt my training in 1995. I re-connected with Shorei-Kan (Langley Dojo) in 2004 and became re-certified in 2005.
I earned my 2nd Dan in Sept 2007 and in Mar 2008 I was a gold medalist at the Okinawa Karatedo Goju-Ryu Shorei-Kai Tournament in Tokyo. I won a gold medal again at the Tokyo Tournament in Mar 2010 and gained my 3rd Dan in Jun 2010.
Now having moved to Kamloops and training/instructing at Shuswap Dojo (upon its opening) I gained my 4th Dan in Oct 2013 followed by my 5th Dan in Jul 2018.
Shuswap Dojo is extremely furtunate to have the leaders and full-time instructors that it does and I'm pleased to be able to continue to train/instruct on a part-time basis.

RANK: Godan (5th Dan)
I first started training in Martial Arts at the age of 9 with Aikido in Duncan BC. From there I moved on to Chito-Ryu Karate for a short time. Around the age of 12, I started in Goju-Ryu Karate (not certain which Goju-Ryu style as it was not reflected in the name of the school). When I was 16 my family moved from Duncan to Princeton BC. My only option to continue training was to switch to Shotokan Karate. I trained there for many years and achieved my 1st dan Black Belt.
Eventually a Kyokushin Karate Club started up and at one point I was training in both clubs simultaneously. In my mid-twenties Keith Shihan started a Shorei-Kan club in Princeton and after a short hiatus from training I was reinvigorated by the fact that a Goju style club had arrived. I have been with Shorei-Kan exclusively ever since, except for a short stint on the side practicing Jiu-Jitsu.

Jean-Luc DesgroseilliersSensei
RANK: Yondan (4th Dan)
Chief Instructor
I began my martial arts journey in Ottawa in 1986 at the age of 32 when I joined the Barber Martial Arts Dojo with my two children. During my Air Force career, I trained and taught in Canada, USA, Belgium and Germany. I received the 1st Dan Black Belt in 1993 in Shotokan and the 4th Dan Black Belt in Goju-Ryu in 2022.
Over the years, I competed in numerous national and international tournaments. Was a gold medalist at the USA National Karate-do Federation National Championships in kata, kumite and kobudo, as well as a gold medalist in kata at the Shorei-Kan Karatedo tournaments in Tokyo, Japan.
Karate is a lifestyle; it allows me to get the most out of life physically and mentally. Teaching children and see them grow and mature is most rewarding.

RANK: Yondan (4th Dan)
Assistant Chief Instructor
I participated in my first karate class at the Shorei-Kan Canada Surrey Dojo in 1988. After observing a few classes I decided this traditional style of martial art was exactly what I wanted to do so I joined and have never looked back. In 2016 I moved to the Shuswap where I joined the Shuswap Dojo. I needed access to a Shorei-Kan Dojo because karate is a big part of who I was, and still am to this day. In 2017 I travelled to Japan to compete in a tournament and fell in love with the country, the people and their culture along the way.
I am happy to spend as many hours as possible, encouraging and training our enthusiastic students while working along side my mentors, those dedicated Black Belts who have earned the respect of so many.

RANK: Nidan (2nd Dan)
So how did I become a Back Belt instructor at the Shorei-Kan, Shuswap Dojo? It all started 13 years ago when I heard about Karate classes starting up in Blind Bay. I was one of the initial students and along with a number of other students progressed through to my Black Belt. How long did it take to progress to that level......almost six years and another two years to move to the 2nd Dan level.
I very much enjoy teaching as a volunteer and seeing the students progress in each session and some becoming Black Belt Sensei instructors. Our Dojo is lucky to have the dedication of the instructors and of course our students.

RANK: Nidan (2nd Dan)
I have mixed martial arts background dabbling in boxing, Judo and Taekwondo in various countries during my 35 year Air Force career, much of it as a Fighter Pilot.
I finally took up karate at the tender age of 70 and been training in Goju Ryu karate for 12 years. I was awarded my 1st Dan Black Belt at the age of 80 and second-degree, my current rank, at 82.
I enjoy teaching and the conditioning that accrue from regular training. I will continue as long as I am able.

RANK: Shodan (1st Dan)
I started my martial arts training (Yoseikan karate) in 1969 in Chicoutimi, Québec. Then in 1972 I learned Shotokan karate. From 1986 to 1991 I trained in Shito-Ryu at the Tom Mah School of Karate in Kelowna. Due to the nature of my work, I was absent for extended periods of time in spring/summer and returned in the fall. Trained extensively 6 days a week. I also assisted teaching the morning self-defence classes for women and the RCMP and all the beginners evening classes. I basically trained and lived at the Dojo for 6 months of the year; this was a great period in my life.
While in Africa for a construction project from 2006 to 2008, I trained in Shito-Ryu, Jujitsu and Judo. When I heard of the Shuswap Dojo opening in 2011, I was one of the first to join.

RANK: Shodan (1st Dan)
I began my Goju Ryu karate journey in 1994 in Duncan BC. From there I trained in Vancouver and Fredericton as life took me across the country, and now back in BC. It has been a wonderful journey with many dedicated teachers and fellow students.
The "art" of karate has always been a passion in my study of karate learning the graceful, powerful movements rooted in a rich tradition passed on from teacher to student.
Through my teenage years, Karate helped me develop confidence and coordination, and also provided me with a strong supportive community. I am thankful to be both learning and teaching Karate at the Shuswap Dojo.

RANK: Shodan (1st Dan)
I started at this Dojo 10 years ago when I was 4 years old. I have grown up in this Dojo. Being younger I was always scared of the older kids but my Senseis and fellow classmates always included me and it felt amazing to always have that support. I got my Black Belt at age 10 and after COVID my study resumed when I was 11. I took a short break for a bit then came back last session and it was like I never left.
The Dojo for me was always a safe place....entering those doors every Tuesday and Thursday is always welcoming and it feels like where I belong.
I wish to thank the Shuswap Dojo and all the other Black Belts for the positive spirit and teamwork and for making our Dojo a home to myself, my class and all newcomers!

RANK: Shodan (1st Dan)
I started learning karate in 2016 at 8 years old in a different dojo. I was a very shy girl at that time and I was terrified to enter a dojo that was male dominated. I cried my eyes out in front of the building before entering telling my mom I didn’t want to go, I was scared. She calmed me down and encouraged me to go in and told me this will eventually build up my confidence and she paid for it, so I had to at least try it. I actually started to like it and even got my orange belt. I also made friends with the only girl there, Kimberly, who is still my karate partner today.
I ended up switching dojos, transferring to Shorei Kan Shuswap dojo in Jan 2017. I have now been here for 8 years. I have a wonderful karate family that I have grown up with. They have watched me grow, learn and hopefully start to master some skills.
In March of 2024, I went to Japan for a karate tournament. I got to see how they trained over there and it changed the way I looked at karate. All the little details and tips they gave me I try to remember and learn from them. I ended up coming home with a silver medal from the tournament. I am going to the tournament again in March of 2025 and hopefully, I will bring home another medal to my collection.
On April 7, 2024, I got my black belt! I have been teaching for a few years now. I really enjoy seeing the progress people have made compared to when they first started and can’t wait to see how they preform in the future. I really love our little community we have made in this dojo and grateful for all the friends I now have.
Thank you Vic Shihan, Jean-Luc Sensei, and all the teachers I have had for being so welcoming and kind to little me and making me feel safe. I am now not shy and actually quite loud in the dojo even to the point that they need to remind me to stop talking so much!

RANK: Shodan (1st Dan)
I started at this dojo 8 years ago taking a year break during covid, I switched from another dojo in Blind Bay achieving my orange belt. Being a part of the community and the dojo growing up has taught me such important lessons I will carry with me through my life. In 2024 I was lucky enough to go on a trip to Japan with a few of my teammates and my view on karate completely changed, seeing other students and how differently they train really inspired me to push myself to be the best I could. I ended up coming home with two gold medals from the tournament. I will forever be grateful for the experiences karate gives me.
Growing up in the dojo gave me more self confidence and I was always encouraged by my senseis to work hard at anything I do and this made the space a very safe and welcoming environment for me.
Thank you to all my senseis for taking the time to teach me throughout my years of training.

RANK: Shodan (1st Dan)
My martial arts journey began when I was four years old. I studied Taekwondo in Seoul, South Korea until my family and I moved to Canada when I was six. When I was nine years old I started karate at the Shuswap Dojo and earned my Black Belt on my sixteenth birthday.
It was hard at first to learn all of the patterns and techniques, but I stuck with it thanks to all of the amazing instructors who encouraged me along the way.
The dojo is a very comfortable place for me and I feel like everyone is always warm and welcoming. It has helped me to build more self confidence and I also like that it keeps me in shape. Karate has taught me the values of respect, perseverance, and focus.
Thank you everyone for their time and patience for teaching me the ways of karate.

RANK: Shodan (1st Dan)
I started at this dojo in 2017. I've been doing karate for almost eight years, but I did take a two year break due to covid. While training in this dojo I didn't just learn karate, I learned how to treat others with respect, and to always be humble.
I got my 1st Dan Black Belt on December 1st, 2024. It took almost 5 years of training to get my black belt. I've only been teaching for a short amount of time, but I enjoy it a lot and feel like I've learned a lot from it too.
I'm so thankful for all the people that taught me and I want to pursue karate for as long as possible.

RANK: Shodan (1st Dan)
I started karate in 2017, and trained until I became a First Degree Black Belt on December 1st 2024. It took me nearly eight years of training to achieve a black belt. In that time Karate has taught me much more than just katas and self defence. Karate has taught me important life skills, like discipline and respect. Karate has also contributed to my physical growth as the main form of exercise that I participate in.
Growing up, I've always had a hard time staying focused, but because of my time spent in this dojo I have learned to focus better and pay more attention to detail.
The dojo is a very welcoming place and it and the people in it have played a major part in my life.

RANK: Shodan (1st Dan)
Coming soon.